(Editor’s Note: Some of the most important academic research into mankind’s present and future is being conducted at the Melbourne Sustainability Society Institute at the University of Melbourne. Here are links to some of their most important papers)

Is Global Collapse Imminent? by Graham Turner. Dr Turner gathered data from the UN (its department of economic and social affairs, Unesco, the food and agriculture organisation, and the UN statistics yearbook), the US national oceanic and atmospheric administration, the BP statistical review, and elsewhere, which was plotted alongside the 1972 book Limits to Growth scenarios. The results show that the data is strikingly similar to the book’s forecasts.

Other MSSI Research Papers
The Ideology of the Anthropocene? by Jeremy Baskin
Resilience and its Discontents by Brendan Gleeson
Resilience and Justice by Susan S. Fainstein
Coming Through Slaughter: Ecology of the Urban Age by Brendan Gleeson
The Economics of Oil by Samuel Alexander
China’s Energy Transition: Effects on Global Climate and Sustainable Development by Ross Garnaut

Post Carbon Pathways: MSSI Working Paper Series
A Critique of Techno-Optimism by Dr Samuel Alexander, Research Fellow MSSI
Post-Growth Economics by Dr Samuel Alexander, Research Fellow MSSI

Visions & Pathways 2040: MSSI Working Paper Series
Pathways to a Zero-Carbon Economy: Learning from Large Scale De-Carbonisation Strategies by Prof John Wiseman, Deputy Director MSSI
Disruptive Social Innovation for a Low-Carbon World by Dr Samuel Alexander, Research Fellow MSSI

MSSI Journal Publications
Barriers to Effective Climate Change Mitigation: the case of senior government and business decision makers, by Lauren Rickards, John Wiseman and Yoshi Kashima. Published in WIREs Clim Change 2014.
Rickards L, Ison R, Fünfgeld H, Wiseman J, 2014, “Opening and closing the future: climate change, adaptation, and scenario planning” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 32 587-602. Featured by journal as Editor’s Choice paper.
Rickards L, Wiseman J, Edwards T, Biggs C, 2014, “The problem of fit: scenario planning and climate change adaptation in the public sector” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 32 641-662.

MSSI Books
Carbon Governance, Climate Change and Business Transformation
Promoting Sustainable Living
Resilient Sustainable Cities: A Future 2020
Vision for a Sustainable Society

MSSI Research Project Briefings
Sustainability Indicators in Local Government
Build It And They Will Recycle

Posted by Peak Oil India in Climate Change, Collapse, Conflict, Energy, Food & Water, Peak Oil, Sustainability, Transition and tagged Anthropocene, Climate Change, Disruptive social innovation, Economics of oil, energy, Global Collapse, Melbourne Sustainability Society Institute, post-growth, Resilience, scenrario planning, Sustainability, Techno-optimism, Transition